Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm bored, so I filled out another MYSPACE survey

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain person?
Yes. Myself. Trying to get me to like me for me has been difficult. The good thing is, I'm easy, so I'm always there when I wanna get some.

Anything been heavy on your heart lately?
Barbell. Too heavy. No spotter. Painfull.

Anything you're giving up on?
8 - Track's coming back.
George W.

Are you open about your feelings or closed off?
(can't answer, crying)

Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it? Who was it?
Me. I looked in the mirror and told myself "I love you Tom." I'm serious, an acting teacher said its a good way to take care of yourself. And no, I didn't mean it. I'm just using myself for sex.

Do you hate any of your ex's?
I love them all. C'mon, we live together. Well they live in the basement, now.

What's a goal you wanna reach soon?
World Peace of Mind.

Whats one thing some people hate/love about you?
That I answer these stupid surveys.
That I post the answer to these stupid surveys.
That I kick puppies.

Only two of the above are true.

Thought about someone today?
Nope. No one. Didn't think at all about any person at all. Didn't think "I wonder how she's doing since she left me." I didn't think "that's him, that's the guy right there crossing the street, the guy she left me for." I didn't think, "wow he really doesn't run that fast." And I certainly didn't think "Oh, I bet she won't think he's that hot now that he has that limp and that imprint of my grill on his grill"(by his grill I mean his mouth you know, its a street term .. I'm pretty hip).

Overall mood today?

What's something you say too much?
I want a lawyer

Are you happy with who you are?
No. But I'm slightly satisfied with what I am. And what is that? Well, I am what I am and that's all that I am.

Do you judge others?
And by Guilty I don't mean to say, with a wry expression on my face that "of course I judge others," what I mean to say is "i've examined the situation, considered and weighed the evidence, and have found you guilty. Guilty of asking stupid questions. The sentence ... death. Or cake. Death or cake. Try the cake. And yes, I just stole the "cake or death" thing from Eddie Izzard, whose judging now?

Who do you tell everything to?
You. When your asleep. I whisper it in your ear, then I fluff your pillows. And by "fluff your pillows" I mean I pick up your pillows, shake them about, punch em a little bit to make them fluffier, such that you can sleep soundly.

Where do you live?
In the now. But I'm moving to the future, in about a second or two.

Did you speak to your mother today?
No. But I spoke to your mother, she misses you.

Where is your sister right now?
Why do you wanna know where my sister is? So you can ask her if I spoke to my mother today? So you can ask her if she thinks I judge people too? So you can ask her for those pictures of me wearing her prom dress when I was tired and drunk and lonely and experimenting with taffeta? She's not here anymore. She's in a better place now. Connecticut.

What are you listening to?
The voices.

What color is your hair?
What hair?

What is the last movie you watched?
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Ironman's Mamma's Dark Night Country for Juno's Blood.

What's bothering you right now?
My previous answers.

Do you like being called babe/baby?
I prefer "douche bag"

What makes you happy?
You do. You didn't know it, but you do. Your doing it right now .. see that? See what you just did? I love you. Wait, who is this?

Do you miss someone?
The person I thought you were. The person I wanna be. And Superman.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I can live in a box for 3 months. But a relationship, that's pushing it.

Who was the last person you gave your number to?
No I'm kidding, he already has my number.
He gave me a number, wanna know what it is? IT's 12. That's right you have 12 days to repent ... OR ELSE.

Where is your number one right now?
Where I left it, in the boy's room. That's a stupid question.

How was your day?
Fine until I decided to answer this thing.

What did you do?
Answered this thing. Researched the person who created this thing. Hunted them down. Judged them.

When was the last time you cleaned your room?
It's a self cleaning room.

Are you taking anyone for granted?
Myself. But its ok, he's a pushover.

Where do you hide your money?
The safest place I know, the place that no one can get too, ever .. MY HEART. Yep, that's what I call the safe I put my money in. I keep that safe in my RIBCAGE. Yep, you got me, that's the name of my Closet .. Ribcage. I also have a name for my bed, I call it PLEASURE ISLAND.

How did you wake up this morning?
Like this ... "OHHHHHHHH CRAP!"

Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
It depends on if I'm wearing rubber or sparkles.

Are you sarcastic?
Of course not.

How many letters are in your last name?
All the good ones.

What are you excited about?
Almost being done with this, oh yeah and then going to Pleasure Island.

How do you walk?
Like a duck. If a duck walked like a person with a big package, you know, like he's carrying something he just bought at Sears.

Do you curse a lot?
Fuck no.

Do you drink bottled water?
I drink water encased in crystal globes. That's not true, its not water so much as the tears of newborn asian babies.

What's something you wish you could understand better?
Women .. AM I RIGHT PEOPLE?? AM I RIGHT?? Who's with me?

Have you lost friends in the past years?
Can you be more general?

What are you doing tonight?
Washing myself from the memory of this. And watching the Dark Night. Yep, sitting on Pleasure Island, looking out the window (which I call that NAUGHTY MIRROR) and starring out into the dark night.

Who was the last person to call you baby?
Me. I'm always like "good job baby," "looking good baby," "see you on pleasure island baby." Then I cry myself to sleep.

Is there anyone you'd like to date?
Martha Washington.

If your ex REALLY needed you at 3am but you had no way to his/her house, what would you do?
Laugh at them. Alot. I'd laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. Then I'd blog about it.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
10 minutes ago. Guess who the person is? That's right, its you baby.

What is the last thing you spent money on?

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